Sometimes, my husband and I would be talking about someone we know, could be a friend, could be family, and I would say something along the lines of 'Wow, they are such a nerd'. My husband's reaction to this comment is always to be offended on behalf of that person, thinking I have just insulted them, and then I have to remind him that to me, calling someone a nerd is a huge compliment.
I love nerds, not to mention I am a huge nerd myself, and I am really proud of it. I think nerds have the best personality traits, they are kind, attentive, empathic, and have great topics of conversation. So I love meeting people who come off as nerds to me, and we usually become really good friends.
One thing I love to discuss with all my nerdy friends is Harry Potter, and I love sending them hilarious memes that I know they would enjoy. Scroll down to laugh through this week's selection of funny Harry Potter memes. After you are done, click here for even more nerdy Memes.
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