Welcome back internet enthusiasts. When mixing money and family, make sure to add tact, respect, and modesty. Money is the ultimate divider; even among family members, relationships are torn apart when cash and assets become involved. Hostility, resentment, and even going no contact with family members isn't impossible when you suddenly have to decipher a will together, and realize that your cousin Becky got more money than you did. This brings us to the Reddit piece.
The original poster (OP) is a married man, whose income is comfortable. Nothing to brag about, but they are able to live a good life. Being a good capitalist American that he is (probably), when his sister-in-law asks for a handout, he's unwilling to give it to her, citing that 'it's not their responsibility.' Hey, all's fair in love and money. But read the full piece for yourself to see who's side you're on.
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