As devoted Harry Potter fans, it's hard not to be affected by the wizarding world in all its glory. Although, unfortunately, none of us are actual wizards (at least none that we know of), that does not mean we cannot have some fun and adopt habits from the world of Harry Potter. It could be lines we love to quote from the books or the movies, it could be spells we enjoy whipping out, or even some mental exercises we learn from the professors and students of Hogwarts. We all have some habits we carry with us, and this Reddit discussion is here to provide some of the funniest ones. People sure love to yell out random spells like Alohomora or Accio and they love to quote iconic characters like Snape or Ron, simply to show their love to the magical series.
Scroll down to read some of the funniest habits Potterheads came up with. After you are done, click here for a charming collection of hilarious Harry Potter memes