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‘We are ready to love them’: Family camping gets visited by two lost dogs, they find their original owners but end up becoming their new furever family anyway

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    I need to know how the puppy distribution system works, because I came camping just a few days ago with just this one dog. Just this one. And then...
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    That one showed up. That one's just stayed here outside. Sleeping everywhere. But then last night at midnight...
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    This one showed up. So what do I do? Am I supposed to take them home? Are they mine? Did they choose me? How does the puppy distribution system work?
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    Reply to PoppysMum69's comment I need to know what is going to happen next. We looked for the owners today and so far they are unclaimed. We are ready to love them if they want us too, cross my fingers!
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    Reply to PoppysMum69's comment I need to know what is going to happen next. We looked for the owners today and so far they are unclaimed. We are ready to love them if they want us too, cross my fingers!
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    Reply to Apple User882449415's comment You have just won the lottery!!! Congratulations A little update on the dogs. We are definitely keeping the puppy because who could drive away with a puppy in the rearview?
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    This one may certainly be a dog from the reservation. And if people aren't sure what people mean by the comments of "Res dog," it's dogs that live on the reservation, and they just kind of have a, you know, more of a free existence than our, you know, town-sheltered dogs.
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    Reply to Apple User882449415's comment You have just won the lottery!!! Congratulations But there is a little bit of drama. So this site behind me... Right there.| They're trying to steal buttercup, sweet pea, dee dee. They're trying to steal a little miss honey here, and I certainly won't let that happen.
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    Reply to Apple User882449415's comment You have just won the lottery!!! Congratulations They're not going to steal my stolen dog. That's my dog.
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    So we finally have a pupdate for you. Last night during dinner we recieved a text from the owners of the house that we left the note on and [yes] that was their puppy. Her name is "Chad." And they've been traveling out of town with car troubles, so they didn't even know she was missing. 37A2 21
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    So we finished up dinner and said our goodbyes and shed a few tears and loaded her up in the truck. In my heart I felt like this puppy belonged with us. We've been with her for four days and we've all completely fallen in love. So I really was not prepared to drive away without our little dumpling... ONE CAN BE ИЗЗЯТЭКА 9 ЦА
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    So I talked to the couple and I offered to buy little dumpling off of them. If they would allow us to take her in and that's exactly what I did. I connected to their wifi, dropped some cash, and we drove off. ИЗЗЯТЭКАЯ ЯНА
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    And lucky us, now our soup will always be full. Meet our little Dumpling! ПШО 3 Яво
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    Watch Part 1:


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