Everyone has had an unfortunate first date experience where you realize midway through the date that this is not going to work. This discovery is unique to each person's personal list of red flags. That being said, what people do not discuss enough in these scenarios is what do you do for the rest of the evening after you've discovered that under no circumstances will there be another date.
Do you try your best to end things then and there? Do you smile your way through the rest of the evening and potentially give that person false hope of a future that will never happen? Do you call a friend and fake an emergency so you can get out of there as son as possible? The short answer is that it depends on how dire the situation is. These Redditors' stories cover a full range of red flags from financially irresponsible folks to pathological liars to people who freely give far too much information too quickly.
Keep scrolling below for the full list. When you're done, here are some relatable dating memes for your amusement.
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