You know that one friend who never writes in the group chat but swears up and down that they've read everything? I promise you, they're telling the truth. Sometimes it takes way too much energy to respond to text messages, especially when there is a massive influx of them coming in all at once. A good reaction GIF or flick will do, but what about the crusaders of the group chat who want so desperately to talk to their best friends about their day? They need love too!
When the group chat starts popping off, you know it's going to be a good day. Everyone starts sharing what they have or haven't been up to, the most recent pop culture drama, or the newest DLC for their favorite video game. Texting makes it so much easier to stay in contact with those who matter most to you. Just tell that to Mr. Hasn't Responded To A Message In Three Weeks, so he can get the memo too.
If you're looking for some memes to send in your group chat, get meta with it and scroll through these group chat memes that'll be sure to have your friends hooting and howling.