If you've ever had your personal information stolen, you know it can be really frightening. Not to mention inconvenient. There are so many calls you have to make - filing a report, straightening out which payments are fraudulent, getting a new credit card, etcetera. Not to mention, it can be an extremely lengthy process, too. So that's why if you were ever a fraud victim, you know this man is a true hero. One day, the Original Poster (OP) got a notification that his card had been declined at a medspa. Fearing the worst, he checked his credit card statement only to find weeks' worth of fraudulent charges. He immediately called his credit card company and got everything sorted out, but he didn't stop there. No, the OP could also see the locations where all of the charges had been made, so he decided to do some investigative work of his own. You won't believe how the rest of this story played out.
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