Great managers empower their employees, while bad managers like this just try to bring them down a notch. It's a fact of life, and one that this person found out while they were still a teenager.
This person worked as a technician in the automotive department of a chain store. At just 18 years old, they were relegated to some of the easier car tasks. That included things like "maintenance checks like wiper fluid and tire pressure, easy stuff," u/MrTyroneTheCat explained. That seems reasonable, right? If you're a young person just starting out, learning the very basic ins and outs of your job seems like the perfect place to begin. But not for this person's bad manager, oh no. This guy seemed to think that he couldn't trust the original poster, and instead of enabling them to do their job, this manager started acting rather micromanage-y. If you've ever had a boss who micromanages everyone, you know how self-defeating that can be. Instead of having autonomous employees, that boss is going to be disliked and make his employees anxious about doing things wrong.
After you check out this story of malicious compliance, have a laugh at these stories of people's pets who weren't the brightest, like one person who admitted, "My dog once ate a feather duster."
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