I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

20 Of The Cutest Itty Bitty Kitties That Can Easily Fit In The Palm Of Your Hand (August 22, 2024)

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    "Im a shelter vet tech and as I was leaving saw this baby pop out of his blanket fort"

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    "Coconut is over 200 grams, thanks everyone for rooting for him!"

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    "Brother on brother crimes"

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    "Coconut’s crime is worrying the foster mom by loosing 2 grams and fighting syringe feedings and then proceeding to gain 10 grams the next day."

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    "I always graph my fosters weight gain! I'm a behavior analyst and I do a lot of graphing at work… kittens are supposed to gain minimum 10 grams each day. Any LOSS is alarming and requires supplemental feeding. I fostered over 70 kittens and sadly lost a couple. Weight loss is the first red flag"

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  • 5

    "change my mind: gray kittens are goofier than oranges"


    "This is Sprout (a well mannered baby in formal wear) and Alfalfa (a baby nothing going on upstairs). They're two of the easiest bottle babies I've ever had… why be smart when you can be handsome instead?"

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    "Found a banana small enough for Pecan"

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    "Otter is less then 24 hours old, only weighs 75 grams, and already full of opinions"

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    "Cashew and Pecan being ridiculous."

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    "I need a name so I can be legal!!!"

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    "I woke up and my 4 month old baby has suddenly gotten all leggy and fancy! They grow so fast"

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    "What are they locked up for?"

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    "My tiny criminol got caught"

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    "Meet the twins. Gracie and Grayson"

    M 4. 8
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    "These criminals are growing so fast, soon they won’t even be illegal"

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    "I am adopting a kitten for the first time. I've always adopted adult cats before."

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    "work truck kitty is now 3 lbs"

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    "He was unsure what was in the guinea pig enclosure so we showed him. We hoped they’d like each other but we weren’t expecting… whatever this is"

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    "Illegally smol Milo."

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    "Lock her up, fellas!!!!"

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    "Coconut, Cashew, PineNut, Pistachio, Hazelnut and Pecan. Pecan’s crime is not gaining today. Cashew’s crime is being the fattest and refusing to open eyes."

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