Some managers insist that their workers would take any opportunity to slack off, and this attitude is especially pervasive in any industry where staff are frequently off-site and operating in a multi-site environment, like in delivery or maintenance scheduling. Meanwhile, these same managers are comfortable at their desks obsessing over this single point and trying to thwart their workers from slacking while achieving very little themselves.
This cynical view prevents them from taking any feedback seriously, determined that every and any complaint is really just an attempt to get out of doing their job. This leaves the organization blind to potential risks that the lowest-level staff are all too familiar with. Of course, this attitude is really just a reflection of the manager's own work ethic and an admission that they themselves would be trying to get as little as possible accomplished in their worker's shoes.
At any rate, their refusal to listen to reason creates plenty of situations exactly like the one in this story and is something that workers in these industries will see play out time and time again.
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