Welcome back ladies and gentlemen of the internet. Favoritism is real. It's not necessarily straightforward that the parents like one child more than the other, but there are certainly different treatments for each child. The oldest is known to have more expectations, and be ridiculed and disciplined more than the other children. The middle is stereotypically ignored and neglected, while the youngest gets prince, princess, and baby treatment. The youngest can do no wrong sometimes, and as much as it's brought up to the parents, they may not understand what they're doing.
This brings us to the Reddit thread. It's about a family who made their expectations for their children known from when they were young teenagers. After their financial and university expectations are decided, the parents find out how much their daughter, the eldest, earns in her income. This sparks controversy in the family, as they demand her to pay rent, while they're paying for her brother's rent.
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