Welcome, milennial mothers. We all know by now that one does not become an adult overnight when you turn 18, 21, 25, 30, or any other arbitrary age, and that one does not suddenly stop being a child when they reach these ages either. Despite the fact that we're now older than the adult characters from Friends, we all still probably call our parents for help with taxes, to figure out what to do when a random little light in your car's dashboard turns on, or when you've just had a particularly rotten day and you need to vent like a little kid. Your whole life you're confused and need help until eventually, you're the one helping someone who is a bit more confused than you are. For millennial moms, that more confused person is usually a literal toddler. Their utter confusion and the fact that everything is new for them is actually pretty relatable to the adulting experience. If you're still figuring life out while helping a little one figure it out, too, enjoy this collection of hilarious memes for millennial moms.
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