What happened to car interior design? When did we decide as a collective that what we want in our cars is the most sterile, mundane, uninspired design possible? Yes, you can call it "clean" or "minimalist" but what's the fun in that? Todays electric cars are taking the whole "boring" thing to a whole new level: "Who needs a dashboard? here's an iPad and nothing else". I miss the 80s design esthetic where the wheel could look like a fighter jet flight stick, the dashboard looks like its designed to send spaceships to mars and the upholstery is so loud there is no way you could fall asleep at the wheel.
These cars' design told of a future that never arrived, as if in just a few years the cars would sprout wings and start blasting off into space. Instead the cars became slower and safer and the whole interior design language went from "You know what would be cool?" to "Do we really need a Hand break?"