Your priorities should always be centered around your family. That being stated, is there ever a circumstance in which turning down help is preferable? that is, putting your needs and principles ahead of those around you?
The story below is an account of a frustrated wife. The original poster (OP) had been married to her husband for quite some time. In an attempt to avoid future contentions, they decided early in their relationship to maintain a joint bank account for bills and domestic costs and a separate bank account for leisure. Therefore, OP was vehemently against her husband's proposal to move a substantial amount of money from their joint bank account to his brother in order to enable him to take a trip with his wife. This sparked a contentious argument about family and the importance of providing for them.
So, if you are curious to know whether or not OP gave in to her husband's request to take money out of their joint bank account to send to his brother, then be sure to check out the story below! Additionally, after you're done, don't forget to read the tale of the bride's secret hatred for the groom's female best friend, which comes to light at her wedding!
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