One of the most defining emotions of being a teenager is feeling blamed. Teenagers are the ultimate scapegoats by their parents and teachers because so much is expected of them, and they rarely have the tools to live up to said expectations. They're expected to bear adult responsibilities without the freedoms of adulthood. Combine that unjust situation with teenage hormones, and you are presented with a person who is unlikely to be super happy.
I hate to see teens being tasked with raising their younger siblings because they aren't old enough for that responsibility. If they babysit occasionally, that's different, but handing your kids over to a teen and telling them "good luck" is neglectful at best. The latter is what happened to the teen at the center of this story. She was forced to take care of her step-siblings, and things got messy when she couldn't rise to the occasion.
Photo does not depict the real subject in the story