Dogs are the unquestionable best friends for us hoomans, which has been the truth for thousands of years, and still is. This friendship didn't last this long only because of their unwavering loyalty and dedication, but also because of the fact that dogs are such wholesome creatures. They are insanely cute, which makes them an absolute joy to be around. So it's no wonder that we just want to surround ourselves with dogs.
Since dogs give out endless wholesomeness all around, combined with the fact we surround ourselves with them all the time, results in a lot of wholesome dog pictures being taken all the time. We gathered a real wholesome bunch to boost this Friday's wholesomeness level, that'll actually turn this Friday into a Furriday. It's like Friday, but full of fluffy dog wholesomeness. And let's be honest, who wouldn't want dog wholesomeness to dominate their day? We certainly would.
Fluffy friendship with fluffy hugs. Such a cute precious pupper. It's a beautiful moment, and if we could we would wait in line to receive a hug from this pupper right after that.
Peach or Chihuahua pupper? That's a tough question. They're both so small we can fit them in one hand, and both have a fluffy fuzz. Such a riddle, very hard to solve.
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