Welcome back internet enthusiasts. When being invited to a wedding, it's a ceremonial time in which you want to give gifts, love, appreciation, and thanks to the couple getting married. They're ecstatic to be together, and their guests should be just as ecstatic for them. Now, how does one engage in this gratitude if the bride and groom aren't even there?
It's like throwing a birthday party and not showing up. Regardless of their reasoning, it's bewildering and immature to leave your own wedding, pretending like it's normal and nothing happened.
In this Reddit thread, the bride and groom are suddenly missing after the ceremony, as the guests are told that they've left for their honeymoon and that dinner will be served as usual. A dystopian and bizarre way to end a wedding, forcing your friends and family to attend a ceremony without even telling them you won't be there for the reception. It's beyond selfish, but decide for yourself by reading the whole piece below.
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