Engagement is more complicated than a simple wedding band to signify your love. We're not mere penguins on some frozen rock offering our romantic partner a stone in exchange for their enduring partnership for the rest of our lives–humans are far more complex. If only love were so simple, right?
Well, in the human world, that rock our partner gives us means a lot more than a simple alliance, it signifies the union of two different people with two sets of values, beliefs, and goals for their future. Aside from 'being in love' there are a lot of things to consider when you're forging a future with someone–which is why the woman in our next tale was flabbergasted when the love of her life pulled a 180 on her, turning the tides of their relationship by flipping a switch on his values.
Suddenly, a man she'd loved for over a decade was obsessed with the idea of her becoming a 'Trad wife' and a stay-at-home mom– something she'd never wanted for her future. So when the ultimatum became impossible to ignore, she decided to return her penguin's stone and move forward in her life solo for fear of becoming trapped by an unaligned future husband's values.
Keep scrolling for the empowering tale of a lady who made great leaps for her own future by rejecting someone else's demands.
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