It's time to read. Yep. First these memes and then back to the book you've been reading lately. Who can stop you?! Nobody, that's who. You are a reader through and through and now is your time to shine, baby! The air is crisp again and days are getting shorter. It's the best time to just curl up with a book and a cup of tea by your drafty window and fall deep into the universe those scribbles on pieces of dead trees take you. It's beautiful. Did you know some people don't get completely transported when they read? That's mind-blowing and unfortunate for them because that is the best feeling ever. When you are so wrapped up in a novel that you forget where or who you even are—THAT'S a good book. And bookworms know that that doesn't necessarily make it a "good" book, but it makes it a good book. Anyway, here are some book memes as a treat.