Welcome, latchkey ladies. Kids these days have it easy when it comes to documenting their lives. Every child as young as elementary school has some kind of mobile device. While their primary purpose is communication with parents, most phones in the modern era have all sorts of extra features. It's actually pretty difficult to find a 'stupid phone' without a touch screen, internet access, and a camera. Thus, children and teens are able to snap pictures and videos of anything and pretty much everywhere and then post it online. Adult millennials are currently dealing with the repercussions of early internet and camera access - tracking down middle-school YouTube channels filled with Photo Booth videos and deleting Facebook photos from 2009.
Thankfully, Gen X doesn't have do deal with these issues. It's not like photography had just been invented or anything, but photos in the 80s were reserved for more special moments, and there was no place to upload them for the world to see. The few hard-copy photos of your blunder years could actually remain in some dusty photo album in your parent's attic - unless you choose to upload them yourself to get imaginary internet points! Enjoy a collection of home photos that capture the good, the bad, and the ugly of girlhood in the 1980s.
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