Now, shoplifting is a pretty serious accusation. When you're thinking about chewing someone out for stealing, you have to be sure that that's what's happening. If not, you might make yourself look like an unknowing, contemptible person. One should never let their own biases be projected onto innocent folks. It's wrong and exhausting for them.
Karens, though. They like chewing people out for things others have or have not done. They'll make sure to follow you around, wait for you to do something that looks to them like illegal activity, and they'll jump on that opportunity. Something so small as holding a light bulb at a hardware store can put you on an angry lady's radar. Even if that lightbulb is burnt out and clearly not from that store. The Karen in this story accuses a woman of stealing a lightbulb, even though she brought it from home and it was clearly broken. Karen lies to loss prevention, twice, about seeing the woman put a new lightbulb in her purse. She doesn't get what she wants, and the kind woman gets herself a new lightbulb.
Scroll to read the entire story, including some hilarious comments from folks who simply can't believe the audacity.
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