Mommy Facebook Groups are not known for constantly propping up the most correct opinions. They are often filled with fringe beliefs, and those who advocate for those beliefs with their whole chest aren't known for being subtle. But occasionally, there will be a post from someone so unquestionably incorrect that every mother, whether liberal, conservative, a conspiracy theorist, or a total normie, will come along to criticize her. When I was in my community's Mom Facebook Group, a mom posted a long, incredibly detailed description of the older man her 24-year-old daughter was dating. I don't remember what I ate for breakfast yesterday, but I do remember that a girl I went to high school with is now dating a 40-year-old Catholic virgin who wants kids and loves to ride his bike. Everyone agreed that that post had crossed the line, and if you can't agree that some of these parenting posts have, too, then I don't know what to tell you.