Imagine starting a new job and thinking everything is finally going to be OK work-wise until you discover a scathing resignation email from before your time.
This employee at a call center stumbled upon an epic company-wide email sent from a former employee. This guy managed to call out salary discrepancies, poor management style, a backstabbing coworker, and underpaid, under-appreciated employees in one message for everyone to witness. The best part is that despite the fact that this new hire did not personally know the author of this email, the letter was so persuasive and introduced so many immediate red flags that the new hire had no choice to but to quit on the spot as well. As many folks in the comments section below pointed out, the ex-employee deserves a ton of credit for unapologetically burning all the bridges on his way out.
Keep scrolling below for the full story and for the best reactions. For more, check out this post about a manager's unpopular 14-hour Zoom call policy.
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