Every day you get older, the more it dawns on you that your parents are just people, which might help you come to terms with everything that happened in your childhood. Or, it might make you resent them even more because they decided to become parents when they had no idea what they were doing.
Recently, I passed the age my mom was when she had my older sister, and it made me wonder how she managed to do it when I could not feel further away from having kids of my own. Thankfully, I do not resent my mom, and I actually think she did a great job, but I am fully aware that many kids out there do not share my feelings toward their own parents, much like the daughter in this Reddit story.
After her parents pretty much ignored OP (original poster) for 17 years, they suddenly bring to life a second child. This leads to a dramatic family dispute when OP refuses to help them raise her newborn sister, claiming it is not her responsibility.
Keep scrolling to read the full story. After you are done, click here for a story of a kid who refused to accommodate their step-siblings' food allergies.
This image is for illustration only, and the subjects are models; the image does not depict the actual subjects of the story.