Daniel Chong, an innocent UC San Diego student, spent five days in a holding cell without food, water, or human contact after he was wrongfully detained during a raid of a friend's house by the Drug Enforcement Administration.
The 23-year-old wasn't charged with a crime, but officers forgot to release him. He kicked, screamed, and cried, but no one came to his aid: "They never came back, ignored all my cries and I still don't know what happened. I'm not sure how they could forget me."
Chong was forced to drink his own urine for hydration and he carved the words "Sorry Mom" into his arm with glass in a fit of psychosis. "I had to do what I had to do to survive," he said. "I was completely insane."
On Chong's fifth day in the small, windowless room, officers finally heard his pleas for help. Upon his release, he was incoherent and had to be hospitalized. He was found to have eaten glass and treated for a perforated lung.
Chong is considering filing a lawsuit against the DEA, which has apologized to him and promised a review of the incident.