Welcome back mothers and fathers of the internet. Having a wily, wild youngster is not an easy responsibility by any means. You're constantly running around, trying to stop them from destroying the grains aisle in the grocery store, grabbing their hand as they try and walk across a street without looking, and reprimanding them when they start spewing profanities they don't even know the definitions of.
It's impressive you still have a head full of hair when you have wily youngsters that keep you on your toes. But like anything in life, there's a balance. Despite the constant chaos that comes with the nature of parenting, you wouldn't trade this life for anything else when you kiss them goodnight, or when you see them make a profound self-discovery.
Your pride at their rapid growth and learning makes you remember why you did it in the first place. You can never rely too heavily on the negative, difficult times, so make sure to laugh about it too. Scroll through these hilarious parenting memes to truly reignite the comedy in motherhood.
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