You know what they say about the Midwest… "When you're here, you're family." Wait, that's the Olive Garden. But in many ways, isn't that the same thing? They're both known for being accessible, and friendly, if a little culturally insufficient. And full of cheese. That's the most important part. Olive Garden will give you unlimited soup, salad, and breadsticks. Midwesterners will give you an unlimited goodbye- you want me to linger in the doorway a little bit before I go? Absolutely. Do you want me to say I'm leaving 8 times before I actually do? You betcha. At Olive Garden, you can get a "Tour of Italy" full of Italian delicacies. A "Tour of the Midwest" would just be different kinds of cheese. Now what sounds better?
The Midwest is full of humble, friendly people who know how to have a good time. Isn't that all you could ask out of a region? That, and we have excellent memes. Just check below for proof.