Restaurant manager has their leave revoked after being prevented from taking it all year: 'No one is allowed to take my shift because I am the only one that knows how to do everything'

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    FILTER NO 2 COUNT BOLIV ORIGIN/F "My boss denied me PTO throughout the year then wouldn't roll it over..." SEASONAL LEND
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    So i'm a kitchen manager at a pub. I asked for a week of back in june to burn some of my PTO and my request was rejected because there was two new people and i had to train them. Then people quit and we where short staffed for the next few months.
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    Currently we have new people and I have been working 6 days a week to train them. There are "rules" that we aren't allowed to call out with out finding our own coverage. But no one is allowed to take my shift because I am the only one that knows how to do everything. My boss COULD but always finds excuses to not be here and when she is she just sits at the bar and drinks all day. Examples: "well i don't have anyone to watch my kid" "I already paid for these concert tickets" "Im taking a week of
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  • 05
    could have used 25+ hours buy was only given 8. The very next week she sent us all a message saying anyone that calls out would be written up and risks getting fired. Then when i asked to rollover or cash out my PTO she said "It's use it or lose it!" I explain how i havnt had the chance because i keep doing 6 day weeks and overtime everyweek buy she doesn't seem to care. Anyway thanks for listening to my rant on how I got screwed by my boss!
  • 06
    SushiRoll2004 Honestly, I hope that when you find your next gig, you no show, no call this one F your boss
  • 07
    superdeepborehole That's cruel of your manager to deny your PTO, delay your vacation requests, and disposing of your accrued benefits.
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  • 08
    Agent-c1983 You need to have a chat with your local friendly employment lawyer. Taking PTO is a contractual right, and whilst you employer does get some say over when it can be used, constantly denying it just acts to frustrate the contract.
  • 09
    Joey_BagaDonuts57 Stop covering for 'Miss Management'. Start looking elsewhere, as your experience is needed everywhere. Covering for her lack of management isn't your job, it's HERS.
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    Background-Hyena If there's no possible recourse, find a new job. Do not tell your manager that you're looking for a new job. Don't even give her two weeks notice. If she doesn't care enough to give you the benefits you've earned, she won't care enough to give you a good reference. Soak that bridge in gasoline, drop the match, and walk away.
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  • 11
    tandyman8360 In 2020, my employer encouraged overtime and a lot of people didn't take vacation (there was nowhere to go) and they paid hourly people cash for up to 2 weeks of accrued vacation. Salaried employees didn't get that offer and lost a lot of "use it or lose it" time. In 2022, they went to "unlimited" PTO for salaried employees, presumably to avoid that issue again.
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    shapeofthings Sounds like you are the business and should ask them do you want me to walk, because you need me... pay up or else.
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    NoMansSkyWasAlri... "Hey boss, what do you think is going to happen to this place if I walk? Are you really sure you want to keep on like this?" Better yet, just don't show up for a couple of days.
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