Woman draws the line after belittling mother dismisses her career accomplishments by insisting on calling her Mrs. “Husband’s Name” instead of Doctor, gives patronizing mother taste of her own medicine

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    "[She] insisted I didn't have the necessary intelligence or discipline."
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    Family insists on addressing me as "Mrs. [spouse's first and last name]", because I'm not a physician
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    My [34, F] father is a medical doctor, mother doesn't work and has never felt she had to or desired a career. I work in cybersecurity, have a master's degree, am pursuing a PhD, and have written several books/produced several films.
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    ...yet my mother insists because I'm not a doctor (and will never be a "real" doctor, according to her elitist logic that even dentists and PhDs aren't real doctors), I must completely assume my male spouse's identity. Even when
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    trying to persuade my in-laws that I was "worth it", her only reasoning was "Her father's a physician!" Never mind that I used to want to go into medicine in adolescence, and both parents insisted I didn't have the necessary intelligence or discipline.
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    Not that it's particularly relevant, but my spouse has no desire to pursue a doctorate, so it's not as if I'd have the collective "honorific" of "Dr. and Mrs." like my mother does. I don't vibe with "Mrs. [husband's first and last name]”.
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    Just peak elitism. I can't stand this notion that excessive education and certain super-hard-to-obtain professions are the only things that make a person worth it.
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    **Edit: Since many are misinterpreting this post, editing to clarify - I'm not expecting to ever be called Dr., even after I earn the PhD, and I am well aware that I don't yet have a doctorate of any sort. The issue is not wanting to be defined solely by my husband's first and last name. Just call me by my first name, same as always.
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    Dugley2352 And finish with.... she's my birth mother." Or separate them, "this is Dr X, and his wife Edna. She's my birth mother." Separate them with malicious purpose.
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    noworriesbee His first wife Edna. Slightly malicious.
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    Turbulent-Falcon-918 Even better if she doesn't work : you can introducer her as dependent; this is doctor and dependent lol I used to deal with this a lot with spouses wearing spouse rank in the army: usually only an issue with 1lt and down though
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    Turbulent-Falcon-918 Dr and incubator lol
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    MooPig48 "Birth giver"
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    WidgetWizard Breeding pool
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    jsrsquared This right here! PhDs are (typically) more schooling than MDS and require greater depth of knowledge. (And before people come at me about residencies and all that stuff, look into post- docs, the publish or perish culture of getting tenure, etc. Academic careers are brutal too).
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    Tell your parents that it's too bad your dad couldn't hack it as an academic and had to pursue an applied profession instead! (Obviously sarcasm, being a doctor is amazing, but the attitude that MDs are the main doctors is garbage).
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    2of5 I went through this but not so much w my mother. Other relatives and my mom was passive about it. I professionally needed my maiden name plus I wanted to keep it for the reasons you do. I just refused to
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    acknowledge people when they called me by my husband's name. I returned mail sent to me with my husband's name on it. And just went about my business. It took a long time but people finally did realize that I wasn't
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    going to acquiesce to their sexism and began calling me by my name. It sounds like you had parents who didn't and still don't value you and your intellect because they are sexist. I'm glad you have made yourself who you are but f them for devaluing you.
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    Sarita 1046 OP That is a brilliant strategy to just ignore them until they respect your wishes. Thank you for your feedback.
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    Loccy64 I hope you actually do this and I hope you let us know how it goes lol
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    Ok_Blackberry_284 Stop talking to her and you'll never hear her address you by the wrong name. If you ever meet them in public refer to them as Doctor and his house keeper.
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    Ok_Blackberry_284 She is your father's housekeeper and cook, so be sure to introduce her as that. Dad's house help.
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    Pantsshittersupreme Don't even do that, introduce them as "this is Dr X, and the woman he's married to.
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    GaryG7 Or "this is Dr X, and his current wife."
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    Sarita 1046 OP Oooh, my mother would pass out at that hehe. But yes, we definitely need both.
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