‘He deserved a minimum $250 fine’: Hotel employee refuses to check-in mother with kids traveling after Christmas since his shift ends in 30-minutes, costs him a pretty penny

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  • Enjoy your fine After a stressful Christmas full of traveling, I arrived at a hotel at 945pm. I had called in advance about our late arrival time. When I showed up with the kids in the car, ready to check in, I was told it would be a "few minutes" before they could check us in.
  • before they could check us in. The douchy night manager proceeded to off for about 20 minutes. Apparently he was about to clock out and do a shift change. He totally could have checked us in. (When I did check in it took less than 5 minutes)....
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  • Well I saw mr walk to his car. He was parked in the handicapped spot. He had no plate or tag. My guess is that he wanted to be able to stare at his car from the office window. My son and my mom are both in wheelchairs, so this really rubbed me the wrong way. I had a feeling he would park there again the following night.
  • As soon as he clocked in, that's where he parked. So I reported it. I don't usually report petty crime, but he deserved a "minimum $250 fine". Sk it Mr
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  • MotionlessTrav... Park around and find out
  • lavenderfox89 I saw his car again tonight, (the petty revenge was last night)... This time he was parked in a regular spot. Muahahaha
  • CoderJoe1 hope the fee financially cripples him
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  • Technical_Goat1840 No night manager makes a ton of money. I hope he sees himself on reddit.
  • 0937
  • nada1979 Any chance you could drive by that hotel occasionally (during your future holiday travels), and even if u don't stay there, check to see if he's parking there and call in again without being a guest?
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  • Michael48632 Screw him!!!! You were kind I would have called the police and tell them to tow the vehicle for NO PLATES AND IT PREVENTS the real handicap from the space, then I would call the CORPORATION AND FILE A COMPLAINT telling them that you will be posting this on their website that they allow this.


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