At the time, she was a new mother, it was Y2K, so times were very different. She was still expected to make less than her husband, in fact, society would look down at her husband if she ended up making more. The thing about her husband, however, is that he was the worst. So when he told her that she should give up, settle for less, and that she simply could not achieve her dreams, she doubled down. Now, she wasn't just trying to achieve her goals for herself and her kids, she was also achieving them to throw a big ole metaphorically middle finger into the face of her soon-to-be ex-husband. And she did it! She not only got her dream job, she ended up making more than her now-ex. Can I get a, “girl power!” bestie?
The image does not depict the actual subjects of the story. Subjects are models.
"The reason why my ex is my ex"
The image does not depict the actual subjects of the story. Subjects are models.
The image does not depict the actual subjects of the story. Subjects are models.
The image does not depict the actual subjects of the story. Subjects are models.
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