The dad decided today was the day he was going to double down on making fun of women simply existing as women. That's right, he decided that period jokes were the gags of the evening. But, like, read the room, Pa. Why are you cracking this joke while you're out with the most important women in your life, your wife and daughters, to a waitress who also understand the plights of womanhood?
Luckily, this waitress handle the situation well—she called him out, but not in a way that ruined there night. But you better believe he didn't crack a joke like that again AND he tipped her well. So, did he learn a valuable lessons? We like to think so…
The image does not depict the actual subjects of the story. Subjects are models.
"I had to put a father in his place tonight at work it was a four top: A dad, wife, and two teenage daughters. I approached the table like, 'how are y'all doing' and he goes, 'other than women and their periods I'm doing great' Like… Whoa! I'm like a pretty gracious server overall, like you know I'll give you a couple of strikes before I really feel like I need to say something but, you know, I look at the girls and I'm like, ‘uh I completely understand!’ Like trying to empathize with the ladies, like, 'you know that I I've been there, I totally get it!”'You know, whatever…
The image does not depict the actual subjects of the story. Subjects are models.
So we start doing drink orders and I'm like, 'anything else y'all need before I give you a few minutes?'And he makes another comment about it, he's like, ‘other than dealing with periods…' I look at him and I go, 'uh… So are you feeling good about embarrassing your daughters right now? Is that what you're going after?'
The image does not depict the actual subjects of the story. Subjects are models.
I'm laughing but I'm like, ‘do you feel good about that?’ And I said, ‘I gave you the first one but I might have to give you a little push back now…’ Cause I'm like, dude what is your goal here?? Like, your daughters are being perfectly pleasant with me, your wife seems like a delight, like I really don't understand what you're getting out of telling another female, another gal who's also dealing with their period, that you're annoyed by the women in your life just being women. Like ,just so weird…
The image does not depict the actual subjects of the story. Subjects are models.
And, honestly, like, I give the guy respect, he totally didn't make another comment about it and was really nice to me the rest of the meal. I felt like the family had a nice meal and they tipped me really well ,so I hope he took that [to heart]. Maybe no one had ever called him out and been like, 'hey, you don't actually need to be doing that right now…' But it was so strange, like what was the point of that??"
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