'It's me or the dog!': Wife gives husband ultimatum over his giant doggo, but then she falls in love with the massive mastiff and leaves the husband howlariously third-wheeling

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    From Ultimatum to Bromance: How My Dog Stole My Wife

    'I lost my wife....to my dog.'
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    When my new wife first heard about my mastiff type dog, she was terrified. She's had a phobia since childhood and didn't even like the cute small ones.
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    She made it clear: "It's me or the dog!" Naturally, I chose the dog. Fast forward to today she moved in, and now they're inseparable. They sit together watching TV, cuddling, and she even feeds him, kisses him, and gives him massages.
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    Meanwhile, I'm just over here, alone, third-wheeling in my own house. Looks like I lost my wife... to my dog...and Vice versa
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    RussetWolf River & Song: ... Top 1% Comme... Imma need you to fill in the details there. You chose the dog, and then what?
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    Her threat was empty and she begrudgingly stayed in a relationship with you until she got used to the dog? She found you several years later having gone to therapy and convinced you to try again?
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    Traumatic brain injury rewired her brain to being a dog person? Please, tell me more! Also, at what point in the relationship did she find out? I hope not after the wedding?
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    letit Be95 OP. Okay, so when I say "new wife," I mean we've been married for four months. She's from abroad the visa takes time and didn't meet my dog until she moved in with me recently. Before that, I was honest I had a dog, she saw him in cam and was scared to death. So I had to pull out all the stops to calm her nerves, sweet talk and promises like, "He'll stay. outside, you'll never even see him!" and even bribes like, "How about a new iPhone?". She reluctantly agreed, but only on the condi
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    But here's the twist, my dog's a total diva and cries like a baby if he's left outside. She felt sorry for him, let him in, and BAM—they're best friends now. Turns out, all it took was a little exposure therapy for her to fall for him.
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    and now she lets him on the couch and even sleep in our bedroom-something I never did. They snuggle, bond, and, to top it off, they both snore. Loudly. Ironically, I'm the one 10 ft away feeling like the odd one out
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    fennek-vulpecula The more i read op comments, the more i think this is a fake marriage for at least one side. But well, when both are happy. Good for them and the dog.
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    Zomanda Now you can say that your best friend stole your lady. And when you catch them in bed together you should post how you came home and found your lady and BF in bed together.
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    GillAndTonic I'm your wife here without the ultimatum. My hubby has wanted a dog for a decade. He's had many before we got together, and I've never had a dog. Two days after we move into a house perfect for dog, we get a call- family friend has an emergency and his two 8 year old rescues need some care. Nearly 3 months later and they won't leave my we're besties. side, ever.
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    GMO-Doomscroller My hubby alao never had a dog before he met me. He would constantly wash his hands after petting the dog. Fast forward to today and guess who is sleeping with the "damned" dog in his arms? Guess who allows the dog to lick his face? Yep!
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    Legal-Machine-8676 There's absolutely nothing like the love of a dog. We just got a new Coton puppy and my entire family from the youngest to oldest is in love with him.
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    ccarrieandthejets Mastiffs have that effect!
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    ImportantMushroom539 Nice ending, but I don't like this. You were going to keep your dog - that's used to being indoors - outside. Used "reverse psychology" on your new wife. The new wife was fine with the dog and allowed him inside. Cool, that they're besties now, I guess...
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    TheKasPack I read this to my husband, and he started laughing. We didn't have the ultimatum part of the story in our house, but we always joke about the fact another man stole me away from him... My little German Shepherd/Australian Cattle Dog pup that we adopted in 2021 lol
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    plsko12 Guess you're the real winner here... sort of.


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