If you didn't already know, an emotional support animal or ESA is not the same as a service animal. This means that the laws that apply to service animals do NOT also apply to an ESA. Service animals have a much higher standard of training than ESA. Service animals are trained to do a very specific task to help aid their owner and they are trained to be calm in many different situations, especially around other dogs. ESA are basically just pets that therapists provide a piece of paper suggesting that their owners keep their pet with them for mental health reasons. The are only require basic training like house training and behaving on a leash. If you pretend like your ESA is a service animal, and then your untrained pet decides to get rowdy with a trained service animal, that could cause the service animal to be retired (that just means they're demoted, or maybe promoted, to pet) and thus taken away a very important medical device to that individual—it's not easy getting a service animal.
That is why, ESAs do not get the same kinds of laws as service animals. So when this Karen guest tried to smuggle her ESA dog into a hotel, the employee was ready with the facts.
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It's ridiculous what some Karens decide to throw a tantrum over. This time, it was a $25 fee. Like… What is the point? Do you just enjoy making innocent employee's shifts miserable? Whatever the reason, this Karen really was fighting having to pay a $25 pet fee for her ESA. She truly believe that it was illegal to charge her for her animal. She was SO sure that she said she could prove it, so the employee asked her to please, proceed and do so. You can see where this is going right? Instead of proving it, she made a fool or herself.
The image does not depict the actual subjects of the story. Subjects are models.
The image does not depict the actual subjects of the story. Subjects are models.
The image does not depict the actual subjects of the story. Subjects are models.
The image does not depict the actual subjects of the story. Subjects are models.
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