‘I just got called a “Maple Licker"…’: Americans hilariously roast Canadians like a sibling rivalry after ban gets halted in the U.S.

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    Reply to user158207's comment That's right maple licker know your place
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    Hippie bby You probably deserved it you leaf worshiper
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    Thomas Y Go hug a moose
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    DocHoliderp Calm down Moose Rider
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    #' Two faced beans on toast maple licker.
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    nella Snow snorter maple licker "Soree" mother freakers
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  • 08
    Things Christ veilgirlly Sorree bout that Ashli | SAHM | Witchy Mama *boot
  • 09
    Star_britt Best sibling rivalry ever. Love our relationship with the Canadians Countrygirl_Travelling USA I'm an American and I'm laughing Those are priceless Not A Fan of Elites Screw them. 2 faced moose jockeys.
  • 10
    Devin Morris America: "we're all buds here." Canada: "you're not my bud pal" America: "sorreee" Blazen BMAD86(Billie) I'm not ya pal buddy! Duh86 I'm not your buddy, friend! haha FM NOT MEAN FM JUST TOO OLD TO PRETEND I LIKE YOU OldSNB I'm not your friend, chum
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  • 11
    Patricia Atlantic Strong Canadian Here. I'm 100% going to use these so called insults here in Canada
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    Luna I saw a "concentrate on bagging your milk."
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    Michelle Marie Could this be the remake of Stepbrothers?
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  • 14
    Julie Wait why is America and Canada fighting? Michelle They hurt our feeling when our parents put us in TikTok timeout
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    kai somebody called canada the temu version of us and it lled me
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    19XY W1ck3dW1tch i seen someone say don't bring beans and toast to agon fight
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  • 17
    diamond the girl that called Canadians "lukewarm Americans"
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    estherriley8 I saw one that said “go back to worshiping your leaf"
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    Kaito I saw someone say "alright terrance and philip lets calm down" PLEASEE
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