Couple adopts sweet shelter puppy, but girlfriend wants to take her back after two weeks, so boyfriend kicks her to the curb to live life to the fullest with his new doggo

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    I'm sure y'all have seen my post about my girlfriend being upset about the crate not aesthetically pleasing and upset about things and not taking action. And how she wants to take her back to the shelter after two weeks like it's a Walmart return.
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    This morning she said that we need to take her back to the shelter again and I said I'm willing to do anything to accommodate her. She said the dog gives her too much anxiety and she has to go. So I said she has to go and told her to leave a move out.
  • 04
    It will be a hard few months but I am happy knowing that I am standing by my decision of adopting a dog and keeping my promise to her. When I say things I do it.
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  • 05
    I did do research prior but I have much more to learn. I will be going to the dog park every morning and meeting new people for support. I'll be ok.
  • 06
    I know this isn't a relationship advice subreddit but I wanted to share in case anyone is experiencing the same thing.
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    Cheezburger Image 10459693824
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    BackgroundSimple1993 Good for you! My only notes: 1. Don't take a fresh rescue to a dog park until at least 3-6 months of having them. They need to decompress and get comfortable.
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    2. I'd recommend a well reviewed doggie daycare or a pack walk with a professional dog walker over a dog park. You want a professional watching over your dog while it interacts with other dogs. Dogs parks are cesspool fight clubs.
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    Substantial-Goal-911 Dogs are like children, if you're not on the same page as your partner, it's a deal breaker.
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    ZSKeller1140 I saw your post the other day and wanted to chime in. To this page, it appears you broke it off because of the dog, but honestly seems like there were other compatability issues that were exacerbated by the dog. Others have said that dogs are like children, they have needs
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    and have to be catered to, which are stepping stones to what having children may be like down the road. All that aside I'm sorry ya'll didn't work out and this really was probably for the best given there appears to be long term issues with compatabilitly that you might've saved yourself, and her, the pain of having to go through. Cute pup too btw and best wishes.
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    lazy_forks You have a scooby doo!
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    throwRA-dying Crazy how you posted this as soon as I checked your profile. I only saw the plant post but I'm glad you guys aren't together, even if it's for her sake too! It doesn't make someone a horrible person if a certain dog isn't compatible with them, it's like humans. Different personalities don't always click, and she's not a bad person for admitting that.
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    I think it's valid for her to feel like her boundaries were stomped on and the dog made her anxious because the dog was hard to keep up with and messing up her plants which are likely a special thing to her. That doesn't mean you have to feel that way and I'm happy you're committed to the pup :) Cheers to your new dog and life!
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    Cheezburger Image 10459694080
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    Punkulf Dogs are always the ones that help me go trough breakups. I could not have done it without them. My dogs have been loyal to me every second of their life. Partners? Not so much...
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    SolipsisReign Probably for the best. I do think you went rogue with this decision to buy a puppy, you're in debt (gf being mad at your spending is warranted) and expecting so much from your gf when you didn't even ask her if she wanted the puppy in the first place. Puppies are a lot of work and both owners need to
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    be onboard. You said in a previous post you got it because you were lonely. Feels a bit like an impulsive buy. Your gf wasn't part of the decision in the first place.
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    Ok-Entertainer9968 Please someone correct me if I'm wrong but Bro torched his relationship after getting a dog without consulting his partner and then when the unconsulted partner is being directly affected by his decision he leaves her and everyone of this sub is patting him on the back
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    KyloDren I've experienced the same thing, but I was in your girlfriend's shoes. Not everyone is cut out to raise a dog, and dogs all have different temperaments, some people don't expect this. I had a really hard time with our dog, and tbh, I never adjusted 100%. I love him, but I don't think I'll own another animal ever again. It's not for everyone
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    If this was your only issue, I think leaving her was silly.
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