'I cracked up laughing. Instant fired': Server accidentally laughs at temperamental manager over a customer's hash browns order

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    les Mel's DRIVE-IN Chicken Swed 5127
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    I was serving a two-top breakfast and the first guy ordered a combo breakfast that had two biscuits with gravy, an egg, bacon or sausage, and hash browns. I sorted all his preferences plus he stated to delete the hash browns, no problem.
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    Guy number two ordered and included a request for a side of hash browns with his order. I could have just said all good and turned in the order but this was not a 5-star restaurant. This was a
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    chain diner where working class people dine. So I suggested I could bring the first guys hash browns on the side and he could give them to his friend. Simple suggestion and they both liked the idea.
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    Here's where the problem started. My manager, who had enough trust in me that I had trained every waitress working there before moving on, pulled me aside and stated that a combo is a combo
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    Cheezburger Image 10474125312
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    and any deletion cannot become another customer's side dish. I understood the concept but I still had to explain the change to my customer's.
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    So I went back to the table and said, "If I delete your hash browns, I can't bring them on a separate dish. Do you want the hash browns on your combo, or do you want a side of hash browns for the other order?" They both agreed to get the hash browns on the combo and to deal with it themselves.
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    I was pretty happy with myself because I had advocated for my customer and could move on. But when I got back to the prep area where my manager was, she was beyond angry.
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    I forget the exact exchange but she said something and I responded with my version of logic. But whatever I said sent her over the edge to where she couldn't talk. Instead she started counting very fast from 1-10, I think to avoid saying anything bad.
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    But when she started counting, I made my big mistake. I cracked up laughing. Instant fired.
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    She called and hired me back a day later. Over 5 years there, I was either fired or quit several times but I did a good job and always had fun.
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    mztrthoughtbubble. 18 hr. ago i wouldn't work anywhere where a manager acts that way over something so minuscule. i also think you don't need to inform
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    the customer how you'll execute their order. just operate in their best interest and keep it moving. no hate either way, just throwing my 2 cents in the ring. i hope everything is well now in any case!
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    blscratch OP 18 hr. ago You make a good point. I should have done that from the start. But after she said "charge them", I couldn't do that without letting the customer know.
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    magiccitybhm 18 hr. ago. Yeah, laughing was a mistake, but I think it would be difficult not to laugh based on that idiocy.
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    How did she know about the original discussion with your table? Was she standing there and listening?
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    blscratch OP 16 hr. ago Ya that table was just outside the prep area.
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    dwyrm 18 hr. ago That sounds super-toxic. Glad you were able to treat the job with the appropriate amount of seriousness.
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    blscratch OP. 11 hr. ago I was in high school. I became a waiter there because the busboy position was being eliminated. I
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    told the manager I'd be a great server. So I became the only male server. I have plenty of fond memories.
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    Formal-Rate 5175 4 hr. ago some people clearly do not belong in management
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