12-year-old cat 'Rice Ann Gravy' found on the side of the road as a kitten and surrendered to the local animal hospital, now lives out her nine lives with the ER nurse who saved her life

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    "My cat named Rice Ann Gravy."

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    "Found on side of road as a kitten and surrendered to an animal ER I was working for at the time."

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    "Was supposed to just nurse her then find her a home."

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    "I fell in love. She's pretty and she knows it."

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    "12 years later and still my beautiful bratty baby."

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    Radiantrainn01 That's the sweetest! Sounds like Rice Ann Gravy got exactly what she deserved- love and attention for life!
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    SoftCattle You did find her a loving home.
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    STLt71 Absolutely gorgeous girl! She has complete heterochromia, and her right eye looks like it has central heterochromia! So beautiful!
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    Sanswyrm Love her eyes
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    JCthulhuM Does she prefer to go by Rice or Beans? Or is she a full government name kind of girl?
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  • 11
    bmanley620. My friend had a cat that looked just like this. Adorable
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    Rainbow MagicSparkles Wow, she's extraordinary.
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    Old-Energy6191 Looks like a Turkish Angora. So pretty!!
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    whodatdog7533 · That cats eyes are amazing, I've heard of it only on huskeys but it looks amazing
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    teresadinnadge Stunning kitty.
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    SeaFloofs Exquisite. Ethereal.
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  • 17
    Shatowcat She's so beautiful.


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