You know how when you were young, and you watched Snow White, and you saw her interacting with all the animals, you had that fantasy of… "I wish it was me"? Yeah, we feel the same way. Who wouldn't want to have such a fairytale-like relationship with animals? We all would. And some of us… actually get to live that fantasy. We once covered a story about a man who played the banjo for a wild fox, and the fox came back for an encore. We once saw a video of two foxes chatting with one another, and it definitely felt like watching a fairytale. We once saw a fox react to seeing a human baby for the first time, and if that's not two miracles in one frame, we don't know what is.
Today, we have another woman who got to experience the fairytale. Out of nowhere, a pack of fox cubs decided to move into this woman's garden. And instead of freaking out, as people probably would have, she decided to start feeding them. And just like in a fairytale… she now feeds them every single day. We can count that as them being best friends, right?
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