Just Bros Swiping Bros

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    How it All Started

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  • 02
    Text - oo Verizon 11:31 AM I don't think they use them only for mentally or physically disabled people Maybe you confusing me with someone else? But I looked at my profile and all the pictures are of me and Then I realized that's just how teenie boppers dress now days:( I'm a man. I don't understand you.. What is 'aman'? You mean 'awoman'? The pictures you posted here aren't your pictures, is that right? Sorry if that's a little out there. Just sayin' It's cool. No all the pictures are of me. He
  • 03
    Text - o00 Verizon LTE 4:29 PM Mar 19, 2015, 1:31 PM Ciao Meet. Grope. Head. Doggy? Haha y Mar 19, 2015, 9:23 PM Everything sounds good!! Hahaha What r u up to? Mar 20, 2015, 10:53 PM Ahaha chilling on the upper west side.. you? Mar 20, 2015, 11:28 PM Going to drink something Where do u live? Send Message
  • 04
    Text - o0o Verizon 2:42 PM ooo Verizon 2:42 PM I'm curious to see what pic you're seeing. You don't like cogs, but have a smoking pic?!?I don't smoke btw. Curious what interests you. Like what you're passionate Cigs about. What smoking pic?!? How can I find you on FB? The last one? Shirt / dress looks hot as hell. Body looks great. Legs, side boob get Add me on IG and I'll show you me excited. Hair looks silky soft and exotic.. And face expression is sexy... Would only be better if your eyes wer
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  • 05
    Text - 6:32 PM o00 Verizon LTE Male* are u not a female? Thanks! Back to the gender thing...let's be straightforward before we continue. What do u have between ur legs and what are u looking for? Well? Can't tell if you're trolling or serious No I'm really serious. Im absolutely confused at what gender u are and what ur looking for. Send Message
  • 06
    Text - o0o Verizon LTE 4:45 PM o0o Verizon LTE 4:45 PM And I'm gonna stay here for I'm in this game since 1 one it's too early to have a while conclusion Are you finis like your 5th picture You finding what you looking for here ? Ha thank you I like your second one Oh cool I think I found it now :) And you are looking very sexy in your fifth picture And you? I can't kiss you if your are not my wife Mormon rules So Let's get married ! Haha That's why I'm still single Hahaha how about we go out to
  • 07
    Text - oo Verizon LTE 8:33 AM Visiting SF then? Yea I live in SF. На Aha You got snapchat? What's your ethnicity that's making you so damn sexy Chinese. You? Very lickable Yea Added


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