
"Customers Suck, but it's Exponentially Worse When It's Your Boss:" TikTok Reveals Toxic Workplaces Within the Service Industry and Sparks Controversy


TikTok user is known for her videos portraying horrible server incidents that she has personally experienced while working at a restaurant. Before the holidays, she asked her viewers to stitch a video sharing their own nightmare experiences. Since then, it's been blowing up and those who have worked in the service industry before understand why.'s own examples include grueling hours, rude conversations, horrible bosses, forced unpaid after-hours work, and more—viewers were quick to relate. Many had not only experienced similar situations, but some were even more gruesome. One woman was having a miscarriage mid-shift and was still not allowed to leave her post. Another person literally pooped their pants and were still forced to keep working. The nightmares just keep going on and on. In fact, the TikTok stitches just keep pouring in. It's one thing when you're working and a Karen is throwing a tantrum, but it's a whole other traumatic ballgame when your boss IS that Karen. 








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