
Adults On TikTok Are Using This Baby Farting Trick On Themselves and It's Actually Working


Apparently there's a hack to help get your baby to fart. You take their legs and pull them around gently and then press them back in and out comes a sweet lil toot. Now, imagine doing that with adults. It's not so sweet anymore. 

But, since it works so well on babies, why not with full grown people as well? If anyone suffers from gassiness it's adults trying to eat like they're still kids. Along with a satisfying fart, the technique also induces some pretty intense laughing fits—curing a lot of people of their uncomfortable stomach pains. Maybe your friend just ate a hefty burrito or your cousin had too many beans, just help them out with this little trick. (But maybe keep your mouth closed…) As Shrek always says, “better out than in!”


And here's one where somebody tried it on a dog, because why not?


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