We've all seen the Cat Distribution System at work. According to cat lover bi-laws, there is no kitten in the custody of a hooman that is accidental. All human beings discover or acquire a cat or a kitten as a result of being chosen by the CDS. This mysterious and inexplicable kitty-distributing system is not only top secret, but it's also widely believed that cat-loving humans are chosen specifically to take care of kittens or strays because of the enigmatic nature of how they discovered the cat in the first place.
Take, for instance, the woman in our next story. She just thought that she was being a good person by giving her extra chicken bits to the stray cat that was living outside her home. Little did she know, the Cat Distribution System had a whopper of a surprise waiting for her. Here at the I Can Has Headquarters, we've seen our fair share of kitty tales and cat stories, but this one really takes the Fancy Feast right out of our mouths.
Scroll for the entire heartwarming video of how one woman opened her heart to a stray kitty outside only to discover that she would soon be opening her home to an entire litter of wriggling kittens…. All for a juicy rotisserie chicken. Sign up for our newsletter for a daily dose of hissterical cats and feel-good felines!