This humble redditor's tale of retail hell has it all—the entitled Karen who makes demands minutes before closing and leaves a nasty review when she doesn't get her way. The unreasonable boss who expects the employee to do the work of ten people but chews them out if they log even 15 minutes of overtime. And the triumphant workers who show their boss the meaning of malicious compliance.
“That's the kind of stuff that makes people quit,” said u/freak3dot, “no overtime and serving that customer that wants fresh cut meat 5 minutes before close are mutually exclusive. It can't be done, but working somewhere else can be done.”
u/RandoCalrissian11 added, “This is the difference between a good manager and a bad one. A good one knows how things work and side with the employee. A bad one, and one that can ruin a company, does what this one did."
“A company will lose 30 good employees in order to keep one bad manager.” u/cultured_banana_slug chimed in.
That's one of the many tragedies of hierarchical work culture—a good bad manager knows how to cover up their ineptitude in order to climb the corporate ladder while making the lives of their workers unnecessarily stressful. Good on OP for escaping retail hell.
Read the original thread here.