I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

TikTok is Exposing the Truth: Dads with Their Dogs They Never Wanted is the Most Wholesome Form of Love


The secret is out, dad. The world now knows the TRUTH behind fathers who say they don't want a dog. TikTok has exposed that when you bring a dog into the home of your dad, they might put up a fight for the first several minutes, maybe an hour, but then that dog is theirs. 


Maybe the truth is that dads say they don't want a dog because deep down inside they fear the powerful loving bond they are about to form with their new four-legged furry friend. TikTok is really starting to make the saying “man's best friend” make a little sense now. 


“Dad's first first grandkid"

The smaller the floof, the quicker the dad caves. 


Dad turning on the outdoor heater for the dog

When a dad sacrifices that much fuel for his dog to pee outside, you know it's true love. 


Gets on the floor for his dog

It's all “ow my arthritis hurts” until the dog is on the floor demanding belly rubs. 


“The bond between a dad and the dog he never wanted”

There must be some science or psychology behind this initial hate to powerful love. 


Dad's lap dog

Let's be honest, this dog is probably going to be tighter with your dad more than anyone else in the family now. 


Follows smol dog around with umbrella

“I don't want a dog!” Proceeds to get wet in the rain so the tiny dog doesn't get wet while peeing in the rain. 


“It's their world and we're just living in it”

Now we he says “we're disappointed in you," he means him and the dog. 


Shares everything

No one is allowed to feed the dog from the table (except dad). 


They even start to look like each other

Now, someone the dog looks more like your father's child than you do… 


“He loves the dog more than me”

Okay, dad. Can the rest of the family snuggle with the dog at some point too, please??


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