
Employee Promoted Without a Raise, Exploits Loophole To Get Pay Bump Anyway


“Promote me but won't bump up my hourly wage? Sure thing, I'll just use your rules to give myself a 50% pay bump.” —u/InterestedObserver20

OP gets a “promotion” without a raise

OP finds a loophole 

Malicious compliance wins again

The comment section

Most redditors in the comments were impressed by OP's satisfying example of malicious compliance done right.

“Yup,” replied OP, “they accidentally drastically cut my commute and increased my pay, despite trying to not give me a payrise.”

u/Hopefully_Witty added, “Hilarious they 'couldn't afford to raise your wage' but were perfectly able to pay you an extra 3 hours of OT every day you worked the site B. I'm sure they were annoyed, but it goes to show you they could've increased your pay without any issue.”

Other redditors pointed out how prioritizing budgets and profits without considering how decisions will affect workers will often negatively affect the company in the long run. 

“Senior VP at my plant doesn't understand why our wage costs have skyrocketed over the past two years.” Said u/WakeoftheStorm. “They've reduced workforce by around 30% and the workload has increased. Everyone is working more overtime. The worst part is this is exactly what we (the front line managers) said was going to happen.”

“Then your ‘indispensable’ workers get burnt out and leave.” Added u/BobsUrUncle303. “Dumping productivity into the toilet. Some people are incapable of thinking anything through to the true outcome of their actions.”

“That's because they aren't paid to think about the long term effects of their decisions. They are paid to think no further than the quarterly and annual profit reports.” Said u/SyntheticReality42.

Read the original thread here.


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