Game of Thrones

Check Out These Hardhome Battle Costumes and Weapons

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    Wildling weapons

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    "The wildlings all have different weapons. Obviously you’ll have axes. You’ll have bows, arrows, spears, and short swords."

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    Those costumes and weapons were fitted for North of the Wall

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    "You want short because the snow is quite high in climate that they live in, so any long sword would just gather snow, as will the sheathes." 

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    And look at these White Walker weapons!

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    "For the White Walkers, we have a long pale sword which is supposed to be a shard of ice. The handle is a bit more samurai-ish. We’re very lucky, this year we found a brand new translucent rubber. It’s much more durable, much stronger, and we’re able to fight with it, which is the main thing."


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