Tripwire Interactive isn't just working on Killing Floor 2: here's a trailer for Rising Star 2: Vietnam.
Star Citizen, a crowdfunded space sim with FPS elements, got this message at E3.
Between this and Shenmue III, crowdfunding is looking like more and more of a viable way of getting games without major studio support off the ground. -
Total War finally goes fantasy after 15 years with Total War: Warhammer.
Planet Coaster is a spiritual successor to RollerCoaster Tycoon from the makers of Elite: Dangerous.
It's definitely different from Elite: Dangerous, but PC gamers have been deprived of theme park games for a long time now, and Planet Coaster is looking to fill that void admirably. -
Guild Wars 2 gets a massive expansion in Heart of Thorns.
Arma III is getting Tanoa, a new Pacific island terrain, in early 2016.
Raise your hand if you're feeling waves of nostalgia for Wake Island in Battlefield 1942. -
Dirty Bomb is all about (you guessed it) playing dirty.
StarCraft II fans got a trailer for Legacy of the Void.
And No Man's Sky followed up it's gameplay demo with a brief trailer at the PC Gaming Show.
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