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Baby Adorably Squeals with Excitement When She's Finally Allowed to Pet the Cat


Okay, so the baby seems a little too young to be able to remember this moment. But it's still a core memory being made, but probably more just an emotional one. This is a cat lady in the making. TikToker Baylie posted a video of her young baby Georgie recently. The video instantly went viral because it brought people from two different cutest corners—in one corner we've got cute cats, and in the other, we've got adorable babies. 


The video shows the mama holding the baby close to an excited tiny kitty. The cat lovingly pushes her head against the baby's tiny hand, and after that first pat, the baby pause and then squeals with excitement. “She’s literally waited her whole life to pet this cat,” Baylie put as the caption to the viral video



Baylie basically dedicates her entire TikTok profile to her daughter Georgie and posts lost of cute baby content. But this video is bringing in the viewers by the millions. The cat people of TikTok of spoken! In the video, after the baby squeals the cat looks alarmed and walks away with a “hell nah" strut. But in the beginning, the kitty looks like she too has been waiting for this moment and is just as excited as the baby. The wholesome interaction is simply beautiful and viewers with something could make them squeal in innocent glee like this cat made this tiny human squeal. 


Baby Meets Kitty:


If you browse through more of Baylie's TikTok videos of Georgie, you will see that she's a very vocal baby. She has a happy squeal to everything that brings her joy in life. She squeals when she's playing with her toys or even just cuddling with her mom. But the squeal she let out after petting this cat for the first time, has definitely been the loudest and proudest. It's evident in the magnitude of this baby squeal, that this cat is absolutely the best thing she has ever experienced in her life so far. Cat people would maybe even argue that she's peaked already. You'll never be able to feel a cat for the first time again. It's a magical moment, and viewers are stoked it was able to be capture on video


Toy Squeal


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