34 Names For Stuff You Might Not Know

  • 01

    Aglet. The plastic bit at the end of shoelaces

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  • 02

    Purlicue. The space between the thumb and index finger

    Finger - PURLICUE
  • 03

    Glabella. The space between your eyebrows

  • 04

    Lunule. The white, crescent shaped part at the bottom of the nail

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  • 05

    Natiform. Something that looks like a butt

  • 06

    Phosphenes. The lights you see when you close your eyes and press a finger or hand to them

  • 07

    Nurdle. A tiny dab of toothpaste

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  • 08

    Box tent. The little table in the middle of your pizza box

  • 09

    Cornicione. The outer part of the crust on a pizza

  • 10

    Barm. Foam on a beer

    Beer glass
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  • 11

    Rasceta. The lines on the inside of your wrist

  • 12

    Ferrule. The metal part at the end of a pencil

  • 13

    Punt. The bottom of a wine bottle

    Bottle - G Shutterstock/Gilmanshin
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  • 14

    Keeper. The loop on a belt that keeps the end in place after you buckle it

  • 15

    Zarf. Cardboard sleeve on a coffee

    Food storage containers
  • 16

    Rectal Tenesmus. The feeling of taking an incomplete poop

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  • 17

    Agraffe. The wire cage that holds the cork in a bottle of champagne

  • 18

    Columella nasi. The space between your nostrils

  • 19

    Desire path. A path created because it is a shortcut, or easier

    Public space
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  • 20

    Dysania. The state of finding it hard to get out of bed

    Sleep - Б7
  • 21

    Muntin. The strip separating window panes

  • 22

    Philtrum. The grope below the nose and above the center of the upper lip

    Lip - Philtrum
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  • 23

    Vocable. The “na na na’s” and “la la la’s” in music that have no meaning

    Violet - La, La La La. [etc...]
  • 24

    Tittle. The dot over an i or j

  • 25

    Crepuscular rays. Rays of sunlight coming from a particular point in the sky

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  • 26

    Snellen chart. The chart you use to take an eye exam

    Text - Е 20/200 F P 20/100 2 тOZ з 20/70 L PE D 4 20/50 РЕсгD 2040 в 20030 E D F C Z F FELOPZ D 20/25 20/20 вEгтотEе :ETODPOТ 10 твEETEED 11 оLSPIь
  • 27

    Crapulence. The sick feeling you get after eating or drinking too much

  • 28

    Obelus. The division sign

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  • 29

    Ideolocator. A “you are here” sign

    Map - Metropoitan Av Morgan Knickerbocker Grad Larimer St hing Av Wison A Bunhwick Abe Wyckoff Avs Halsey ay Av Central Av St Norwood Av Grant Av Cleveland Stactid Avs Racetrack amt ng ay Marcy Av Kosclusko St Van Sicten Au PAtabama Av Lbertyan Siclen Av Atantic Av Myrte Juncs Fleshing Av Wilcoghby Avs ostrande Shepherd Av Aqueduct North Condut Av Washo ton DeKah A Howard Beach Aiport High St Sutter Pennsytvania Av Lisonia Av ElaNew Lots A Wan Siclen Av Fulton St Jay St Metrolach INTERNATION Kin
  • 30

    Brannock device. The thing they use to measure your feet at a shoe store

    RIGH T HEE L ON 37 7301 N3 o04 IDTH- LEFT F FOO SLIDE FOR T GHTLY EFT T TOE LENGTH 2 BAR -Z1 -2 -LL 3 THE NOCK 10 12 BRA Z 7- 7 LEFT -GL 1 -EL- OL 4 -F 6 -5 -8 6 DEVICE -9 -8 -9 10 SYRACUSE, N. Y. -E-11 12 4 6 8 RIGHT TOE LENGTH l-13 14 15 FOOT e1 ATH ,ENGT 6MEN 10 14 15 .RIGHT TOE LENGTH HEEL
  • 31

    Interrobang. What it’s called when you combine a question mark and an exclamation point. ?!

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  • 32

    Phloem bundles. The stringy things you get when peeling a banana

    Banana family
  • 33

    Tmesis. When you separate a word for effect. (Seen in the phloem bundles description)

  • 34

    Octothorpe. Another name for the pound/hashtag

    Blue - #


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